Am I in a circus, or what?

It's 9:00pm and I'm reflecting on the day. I'm super tired, but I can't go to bed yet on account of Milla's last feeding for the day (scheduled around 10:00pm or so). I can't help but laugh now that I look back on the events of the day, but I was ready to grab the keys and my purse around 4:00pm. Forget any luggage, I'd just charge everything I need or want when I hit my destination-- wherever that was going to be (probably the first of the Florida Keys for some Key Lime Pie). Did I mention I was going to go alone? Maybe I'd take Milla. . .
Let me set the scene for you. . .It's 4:00pm, I've been watching the neighbor's two kids since 11:00am. Yes that's a total of 5 kids-- did I mention I have a one month old? Being the thoughtful wife that I am I decided to make chocolate banana bread so Ty could enjoy a nice warm treat. It's Milla's feeding time and Ty has decided to go down for a nap, so I'm trying to keep all the kids outside so they will be quiet enough for him to rest. He's not tired from helping with night feedings with Milla, he's tired because he stayed up late Sunday night to play Wii. So I'm nursing, the timer goes off for the bread, I detach, set angry Milla down, check the bread--it's not quite done, go back to a screaming Milla, re-attach, neighbor girl comes in to tell me she just pooped in her underwear (she's 6!!!) and she's bleeding from scratching a mosquito bite, I say a few choice words in my head, call her mom to find out she has no clothes because they are moving tomorrow, detach Milla, go find too small underwear and wipes and plastic bag for dirty panties, re-attach screaming Milla, get a band-aid, oven goes off again, detach to pull bread out, re-attach really irate Milla, finish nursing, send the girl home to her own home, take the kids to two stores to buy groceries for dinner and the week while Milla fusses for her pacifier that I left home, come home and make dinner to have it all ready for Ty before he heads out to visit an inactive family from church. As I sit down to the meal I've prepared. . .Milla is screaming and all I want to do is scream with her. But I keep my composure and all I can do is inhale my meal so I can pick her up to watch her fall asleep peacefully in my arms. What a day!?!


Kate said…
Oh man, Angela. I hate days like that! At least it's over, right? I hope you have a better one tomorrow. ;)
Becky Bean said…
Don't EVER let anyone tell you you aren't Superwoman. I am always amazed by you. You're doing great, hang in there!!
The Reeds said…
I agree with becky! You are a wonderful mom and wife, who goes above and beyond at all times. Maybe I need to spend the summer with you so that I can get your awesomeness to rub off on me. Hope today is better!!
Anonymous said…
Have I mentioned how much I love you? 'Cuz I do, ya know.

utahmominmexico said…
Boy it's a good thing Ty added that comment 'cause I was going to have to give him a call otherwise. I can tell you handle those days better than I do. Dave usually regrets just the thought of taking a nap after a night of videogames. I just cry.

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