The Begining

Yes, I misspelled 'beginning' in the title.  Those in the know will get it (not that it's that funny anyway).  Since all the other folks in the family have trendy looking blogs with wonderful photos and well written entries, Angela thought we'd give it a go too.  Of course, ours will not have wonderful photos and if I'm doing the blog, it'll read like a 10 year old wrote it.  But oh well... 

So, where to start?  Anybody interested in this blog will prolly be pretty much up to date anyway, so I'll just start with recent events that have some interest to them.

Recent event #1:  Gavin started Kindergarten!  Holy cow, is he that old?!!  So far, he's doing great and liking his teachers.  His best friend is also in his class.  Did I mention I feel sorry for his teachers.  I think, the adjustment was harder for Angela than it was for Gavin.

Recent event #2:  Izzy turned three!  She is growing up so fast.  She wanted a "Princess Party".  I think she got it.  Just about everything was 'princess-ey' and pink.  I"ll post up some pics as soon as I pull of the camera's memory card.  

Recent event #3:  Angela and I took a little vacation to Indianapolis last weekend.  Normally, one wouldn't think of Indy as being a vacation mecca.  But when you throw in the worlds largest sporting stadium which happens to be a racetrack, and add in 20 Grand Prix motorcycles you get one heck of a good time.  We were lucky enough to attend the inaugural  Red Bull Indianapolis MotoGP.  Despite the remnants of Hurricane Ike making his crappy presence known, we had a large time.  

                                        Oh yeah, ultra nerdy matching Ducati Team shirts!

True story about the Ducati shirts.  We bought them Friday and being the nerd that I am, decided to wear mine to dinner that night.  We were eating at a decent enough joint, so I tucked my shirt in to be presentable.  Anyways, later that night, as we're walking around downtown (they had a big bike night type of event going on), Angela noticed this Japanese couple that kept looking at me.  She overheard them wondering which racer I was!  That's probably the closest I'll come to being on a factory team.  Sad, I know. 

                                                   Here's why they call it the 'Brickyard'.

     This is the guy I'm pulling for: American, Southern Boy, and all around good guy Nicky Hayden.


Recent event #4:  Back in late August, I was called to serve as Bishop in our local ward.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Why anybody would think I'm capable of keeping a congregation from imploding is beyond my comprehension.  But it is official because I got the certificate in the mail today.   Seriously though, it is humbling, scary, and did I mention scary?  I was smart enough pray long and hard about my two counselors.  They are more than up to the challenge of keeping me and everybody else in line.  We'll just have to see how it goes.  I do know (and here's the part Mom will be proud of) however, that the Lord will make up for the myriad of areas in which I lack and as long as I put in the effort and stay humble and obedient, things will be alright. 

Alright, I think that's enough for now.  For your sake and for mine, future blogs won't be so long.



The Reeds said…
You finally joined the ole bloggin world. Thank you. I try to keep up with your family through Scott and well you know, sometimes he forgets to fill me in. By the way, your pictures look awesome. Still jealous of your latest vacation. Maybe one day we can tag along. I told Scott that we just might take a vacation to Kentucky OWB. To find the home and stompin grounds of that good ole country boy. Anyway, I am so excited that you guys have a blog. Hope Gavin is enjoying school and Izzy feels like a princess. Until next time.
Becky Bean said…
I'm sure you're a great bishop!! Is that you in the picture at the bottom?

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