Age and Experience

They say the two go hand in hand...age and experience, that is. And I suppose they, whoever 'they' are, are right for the most part. Only for me, it seems I'm getting older with out the experience part. I still feel as unfit for whatever task is at had as I did 10 years ago.

Anyway, back on Monday, I turned the ripe old age of 33. I've found the mid thirties to be weird age. I'm young enough to not feel old and old enough to not feel young. And I act 18 most of the time! Angela baked my favorite chocolate cake for me. I don't know what it is called, and it takes a butt-load of time to make. But the end result is a rich, moist, delicious chocolate cake with a surprise creamy filling in the middle. Its like eating a Ding-Dong only without the preservatives and it tastes better and you get more than two measley bites from a piece (is it just me or are Ding Dongs and Twinkies getting smaller?). We drove over to Stark-vegas for dinner with Chelsey (Jared was sick and had a paper due the next day) at Old Venice. It was an enjoyable time. Angela brought the cake and we had it right there in the restaurant!

My 33rd b-day

My wife rocks. Oh yes, she does. She managed to get lots of stuff I was hoping for. Although I kept waiting to see a shiny new Buell 1125R (that's a motorcycle for those not in the know) with a big bow stuck on the gas tank to show up in the garage and it never did. I was gifted some excellent tools to help me with my mastery of all that is smoked. I'm speaking about smoked food you hippies! My lovely in-laws gave me a rib rack and I also got a dual probe remote thermometer. That right there is going to be a lifesaver. No longer will I have to go outside everytime I want to check the temperature of the meat or the smoker. I can keep the receiver by the bed or the couch and I won't have to interrupt my game of Super Mario Galaxy (another bday gift). I will be testing them out tonight when I smoke about 15lbs of boston butts.

But enough about that stuff. I also wanted to give my littlest, scratch that, my youngest sister a big hug for popping out her first kid. I talked to Becky last night and everything went well with the delivery!

Oh yeah, one other thing...Thanksgiving. We had a great Thanksgiving. I was particulaly looking forward to a few days off from work. This year, Angela happened to get the world's largest turkey. It was a humongoid 19 pound teradactyl sized bird! We decided to attempt smoking it as I felt that with a year's worth of smoking experience under my belt, that this year's attempt would be decidedly better than last year's fiasco. And even though the bird barely fit into my turned out pretty well. I brined the bird and then made a nice spicy rub that wend under the skin as well as on the surface. Pecan wood (thanks Dad!) was used for the smoke. I think I can do better, but it was still enjoyable to eat. And the turkey soup made with the carcass had a really nice, smokey flavor to it. Angela's dad and sister and her boyfriend and my dad all came over for dinner. All the sides and fixings that Angela cooked up were fantastic. I ate non-stop for about three days straight I think.

Whew!! Well, that about get's me caught up. Y'all hang in there through Christmas.



The Reeds said…
Well sounds like you racked up for your b-day. Glad the night/dinner was enjoyable. Good talking to you guys the other night. See ya'll in a few weeks!
Kate said…
Hey, happy birthday! I think you summed it up perfectly when you said that you're young enough not to feel old but old enough not to feel young. Being close to 33 myself, I hear you!
Ry Guy said…
you better be careful with all that gourmet food--you may end up with more guests than you want next Thanksgiving. :) Oh, and htnaks for the shout out. Happy Birthday!
Ry Guy said…
That was actually me, Becky, not Ryan. Woops!

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