How To: Raising Children

I came across this most excellent chart illustrating what to do and what not to do with children. I'll refer to this chart extensively when the next kid arrives.


utahmominmexico said…
That was hilarious! I'm laugh-crying!
Stewart Family said…
very funny. I might have to hang that one on the wall.
What happens if you have done some of the bad things? Don't tell anyone!!
Becky Bean said…
Haha! I'm still chuckling. This has come into our household very late. I didn't know about some of these "rules." ;) I love the baby playing chess.
Laurie said…
Gee whiz --I could have really used that poster hanging up on the nursery wall when my kids were babies ... it would have saved us a lot of unfortuneate events.
Just a little FYI: Grandma Browne actually did use a dresser drawer for your Mom!
P.S. Love the posts of your beautiful children. So proud of you both.
P.S.S. Just got on the blogwagon myself.

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