
It's 10pm Sunday evening and Angela and I are sitting on the couch listening to a great selection of bluegrass off of my iPod, the kids went to bed an hour ago and Milla is contentedly sucking on her pacifier. While relaxing on the couch, I've been reading a blog about a guy that started his own BBQ joint just outside of Nashville. I would love to have my own BBQ joint but I'm not sure I'm cut out for it. I know I need more practice. Which is why I'm about to go season up three big racks of ribs so they will be ready to smoke tomorrow. We'll be celebrating Memorial Day with some friends of ours from church, so I need these ribs to turn out perfect since it won't be just our family eating them.

I hope everybody has a great day tomorrow and don't forget to show your gratitude to those who have and are serving our country by being in the military.

Laters y'all!


Ry Guy said…
Ty, I'm totally behind you and this BBQ idea. I haven't tasted any of your cooking, but I'm sure it's great. If not, you could always start up your own dog food factory. Rich dog owners pay tons for that sort of stuff. :)
jean said…
Martin's BBQ joint was actually featured in an article in the daily free paper about 4 weeks ago. It's somewhere on Nolensville Rd. which is right down the street from me, but I have yet to find it. I might have to do some research and test the food for you. I'd hate for you guys to come up and it not meet expectations. :) See you soon!! J

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