Aquabat Adoration!!

So what happens when your cool uncle and aunt come to visit and they say one of their favorite bands is called The Aquabats?  Further more, if you're an impressionable 6 yr old and the Aquabats happen to have funny videos on Youtube that you can watch, well, you become quite infatuated with The Aquabats.

Such was the case with Gavin.  Lil' G has been watching Aquabat videos every day since Thanksgiving and he walks around singing "Super Rad" all the time.  Well, yesterday he decided to dress up like the lead singer.  This was the costume he assembled all by himself, even the PERMANENT MARKER mustache.

Not bad for a first attempt by a six year old.

Well, this afternoon, Gavin and I worked on making a slightly better costume.  Here's what we came up with.

Notice the artwork on the belt?  Hand drawn by yours truly.  Not bad for somebody with a wrist brace (More on that in another post, maybe).

The next image is stolen from the Aquabats' website and illustrates the look Lil' G was trying to go for.  If he had had a green underarmour shirt, he woulda nailed the look!

So thanks Scott and Kimberly...thanks for making my kids crazy for the Aquabats!


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