Things that make one wish they were ambi-dextrous...

The List:
1.  A cast on your dominant hand

2.  The ability to shovel in food twice as fast

...and thats about all I can think of.  Y'all are more than welcome to add to the list.
Anyway, two broken bones and two weeks (minus a day) between the incident and when I got my cast.  To my knowledge, these are the first broken bones I've ever had (I've broken lots of hearts though!) which is kind of surprising considering all the action sports I took part in growing up.

By the way, the cast does allow me to cast awesome shadow puppets!!

The above photo is a picture of my chupacabra shadow puppet.  Awesome!!

Laters y'all.


Becky Bean said…
And you're not going to tell us HOW this happened?? Total cliffhanger!

Also, your awesome shadow made me think of this:
Reed's Rat Race said…
"Chupacabra fight!"

That was a good one Becky.

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