Air Superiority

There was an air show at the local Air Force base (as if every town has one) a couple of weeks ago. We decided to load up the kids and spend the day walking up and down a concrete run way in the blazing sun. Sounds like a good time right? Hey, it was FREE!!  Actually, we did have a good time.  The kids were pretty well behaved and didn't get whiney until the end as it was a pretty long and boring wait until the Thunderbirds took off and did their thang.  Anyway, we stuck it out to the end, unlike all the lightweights (Stewarts and Wilsons, I'm callin' y'all out!) that left early and we were rewarded with a great show by the Air Force's finest.

I'm proud of this shot!  The pressure above the wing is so low that the moisture in the air vaporizes at ambient temps.

How is it that babies can just shut down and sleep no matter what is going on around them?

This is not our kid!  He just decided that he needed to be in the picture.  Weird.
Beautiful T-33 was very graceful in the air.


Becky Bean said…
You guys are so cute! And I like your stroller! :)
Reed's Rat Race said…
You ought to like out stroller...we copied you!
Chelsey Wilson said…
Believe me brother we saw that show on our TWO mile hike back to the vehicle! Whew!It was good!

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