All Good Things Must Come to an End. . .so they say

Summer Days are coming to a close.  Only in the Dirty South does one look forward to temperatures that don't hit 100 degrees!  I've been so grateful for the cooler weather (lower to mid 90's).  Unfortunately, with cooler weather comes school, and all the craziness that comes with busy fall schedules.  So I'm gonna take a moment to reflect on this past summer's happenings.

Back in May, I had Gavin make a list of all the things that he wanted to do while school was out.   Here's what we came up with. . .
1) do chores to make money
2) go swimming
3) go to the spraygrounds
4) go fishing with Grandpa
5) go to Nashville, TN
6) go to Pensacola and the beach
7) go blackberry picking
8) go to Hannah's house (Smith house in Little Rock, AR)
9) go to a zoo
10) go to an aquarium

Did we do it all????  Check out the pics to see what we didn't get to do
Look what Deep Water Horizon rolled in!?!

Sand and Shells, Milla's Favorite Treat!
No Oil Here!
Soakin' Up the Sun 

Papa Time!
Congrats Graduate! Kara and Kyong
Chillin' with the Family

Kimberly and Milla in the Red Neck Pool

Gavin's favorite of the Park Tour
World's Fair Park, Knoxville, TN

Chattanooga, TN aquarium
Izzy's Soccer Camp
World Cup 2010 Caledonia

The only three we didn't get to do. . . fishing, Little Rock, and the zoo.  Not bad, eh?  We'll just raincheck those and give ourselves till Christmas.  So long Summer of 2010! 


Chelsey Wilson said…
thats so sad it makes me want to cry! i hate it when summer ends...

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