Crash Report-One Month Update

So everybody keeps asking how my ankle and foot are doing. I figured instead of saying: it is still bruised and swollen over and over, I'd just take some pictures and let folks see for themselves. So without further delay, I present to you loyal readers, pictures of my injuries one month after "The Incident".

This picture was meant to illustrate the color difference between my good foot and bad foot. It didn't work. But take my word for it, my right foot is a weird purplish hue.

Scope out the swelling still evident around my ankle in the above picture.
The above image illustrates the bruising still evident on the ball of my foot and on the inside ankle area.

Remember folks always have your pet spayed or nuetered and for cryin' out loud, don't be a freakin' MORON and let 'em run around where they can injure innocent motorcyclists.
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The Reeds said…
You spelled moron wrong.

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