Ty's Mancation 2013 Day 2 Recap

270 miles

Cedartown, GA to Cruso, NC

What a fantastic day of riding.  I decided to be in no rush to get started this morning since it was 41deg F when I woke up.  So I waited until about 9am to get rolling.

For three years, I've been trying to think of a way to get my GPS, phone and bluetooth helmet communicator to play nice together.  I knew the solution was out there somewhere lurking in the back of my mind.  I could get the GPS to talk to my communicator.  I could get my phone to talk to my communicator.  But I couldn't play music through my phone and pick up the spoken directions from the GPS at the same time.  And then a solution hit me while I was riding in the bitter cold last night. So this morning, my first item of business was to track down the one small item I needed to make my plan work.  10 bucks later I was the owner of a new 8gb microSD card...but what I was really after  was the SD adapter that came with the micro card.  I took the microSD card that I store all my music on out of my phone, slid it into the SD adapter and then into the SD slot in the GPS.  Voila!!!  Music and directions from the GPS and phone calls from the phone.  All sent over the air to my helmet.  I love it when a plan comes together.

Anyway, now that I didn't have to constantly look down at my GPS to make sure I didn't miss a turn, it was time to head for the hills.  I had a great ride through northern GA and stopped for lunch in Dahlonega.  The roads really started to kink up after that and the rest of my day was spent slamming the bike from the right side of the tire over to the left side and back again.  This is what I came out here for and I was smiling in my helmet all afternoon.

So now I'm holed up at Blue Ridge Motorcycle campground.  Lots of folks here.  I think there is some sort of Adventure Rider rally.  Unfortunately, what the Adventure Riders brought with them is iffy weathe (it certainly wasn't my fault!).  The temperature has already dropped quite a bit and the sun is still out.  Its going to be a cold, windy night in my little tent.  I did not come prepared for cold weather. I'm supposed to camp the rest of the trip, but with spotty showers and thunderstorms coming, this might be the only night I rough it.  I'm also thinking I might need to change my plans for where I ride tomorrow to see if I can dodge the nasty weather.  I guess we'll just have to play it by ear.

I did stop and take a few pictures today.  But stupid me forgot the cable I need to download them off of the camera.  So you'll just have to wait until I get home to see the pictures.


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